
All Articles (133)

Updating SailfishOS

The phone will alert you that there's an update. Go to Settings => Sailfish OS Updates. As always, backup first. Then, download the update. I get a message that I need to "remove or revert the following packages". Time to look around for help, like the release notes for the version you're updatin.....

Sailfish OS ‑ Command Line Interface & Customisation

This article has a parent article. It contains some preliminaries to the topics here. Doing Things on the Command Line MTP (the same protocol Android devices use) will expose the /home/nemo folder to the connecting computer, both to graphical and command line applications. But it hides some files .....

Links for Sailfish OS users

https://www.noureddine.org/articles/sailfish-os-tips-tricks https://www.noureddine.org/articles/student-projects-with-sailfishos https://www.oskar-roesler.de/tags/sailfishos/.....

Making sshd more secure on Sailfish OS

Assuming Remote connection is enabled in Settings -> Developer tools, and works. Recent versions of Sailfish OS (currently use a socket that listens on port 22, and start sshd (to be precise, a per-connection sshd@.service) whenever someone knocks. Pretty neat, probably saves some res.....

AdBlocking on Sailfish OS via /etc/hosts

There are some apps in Openrepos which do not seem to work anymore for SFOS 4.x. But you don't really need an app, all you need is a systemd timer & service and a simplistic shell script. Gain command line access to your phone and become root. > cd /etc/systemd/system > nano hosts.timer ho.....

Short Review Diary ‑ Books and other Reading

An incomplete timeline of what I read - mostly contributions to various forum threads. Read books and stories (audio formats) are included here. Apr 24 2022 I found two Carl Hiaasen novels on a give-away shelf. Boy was I happy! I must've read 90% of his novels many years back. They are what is calle.....

Thunar Hidden Settings

Thunar is XFCE's file manager. Recently I have tried it again, after having used pcmanfm for many years. After setting everything up the way I like it I noticed that the shortcuts in the sidepane cannot be rearranged (I am used to having devices first, then bookmarks). After much searching, I found .....