
About this Site

It's mostly a collection of articles about Linux stuff, a sort of diary of important changes I made to my systems or how I solved a particularly tricky problem. Whatever I deemed worth remembering.
Although I try to write them in a way that they can be useful to others (why else blog about it), they are not full "tutorials" but rather additional notes: usually the very first thing required is to open another web page, and follow that as well as my article.

Sometimes their value to others - or even myself - is questionable. Sometimes they are even tagged as such.

There could be more non-technological content. There's a little music, some reviews and collections of forum posts.

Just like in my browsing habits, this site stays clear of javascript and does not require cross-site requests.

About Me

I am not a computer professional. I have no particular reason for running a web server, it's just a hobby.
Computers (in the broadest sense) and the internet are becoming more and more essential to our civilised lives and I think it's good to know how to use them, how they work, be able to fix some things, make informed choices, and run & host your own wherever possible.
To control our little helpers, and not be controled by them.

I started using Linux in 2012. Today I run Arch Linux on my desktop and Debian on my kitchenserver.

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