
6 posts are tagged "scrapbook"

Links for Sailfish OS users

https://www.noureddine.org/articles/sailfish-os-tips-tricks https://www.noureddine.org/articles/student-projects-with-sailfishos https://www.oskar-roesler.de/tags/sailfishos/.....

Synth Britannia

I recently watched the documentary BBC - Synth Britannia Just some notes on the music and bands covered. Blue Monday Orginal Video, 88 and 83 versions Throbbing Gristle BBC - Synth Britannia playlist: Artist/Band Title Depeche Mode New Life Wendy Carlos William Tell Wendy Carlos Clockwo.....

Checking hard drive and filesystem health

...wip... SMART Assuming the smartctl command (manual) is available (part of smartmontools package) and your drive is SMART1 capable and enabled. If it isn't, check this article. SMART tests and queries can be run on a hard drive that is in use. All smartctl commands require elevated privileges. Fir.....

Personas lock Firefox up for a full Minute or so

...whenever I open the about:addons page. But the fix is so simple: disable javascript for mozilla.net and mozilla.org. It's a bit hackish and might cause problems elsewhere. Maybe a more targeted approach is possible?.....

Make My Own Screensaver

git clone https://github.com/rougier/freetype-gl cd freetype-gl mkdir build cd build cmake .. But first, I had to install: cmake doxygen glfw-x11 (version 3.something) The demos in build/demos work now, and I started hacking on them. Ripped out the screenshot bits. To make them fullscreen: GLFWmonit.....

Cryptocurrency Mining?

Something I've been seeing a lot lately. I looked it up and I now understand a little about it. Mining seems to be related solely to Timestamping. Since this seems to be a CPU intensive thing to do, it is outsourced and hackers are paid for doing it for the company providing the currency. They're ge.....