
64 posts are tagged "linux"

Thunar Hidden Settings

Thunar is XFCE's file manager. Recently I have tried it again, after having used pcmanfm for many years. After setting everything up the way I like it I noticed that the shortcuts in the sidepane cannot be rearranged (I am used to having devices first, then bookmarks). After much searching, I found .....

A collection of Forum Posts I Don't Want to Sink into Oblivion

Sometimes I get a creative kick when writing a reply on some forum, and then I feel a little sorry to think that this "gem" will soon be forgotten and unfindable. So I decided to copy-paste some of these outbursts to a dedicated page. It's a little narcissistic. The typical Internet user The interne.....

Distā€‘upgrade Debian from oldstable to stable

(before LTS support runs out) I have now dist-upgraded several times, always from (old)stable to stable. Originally written for a Jessie => Stretch upgrade, this text still applies for Buster => Bullseye and likely so on into the future. So just replace "jessie" and "stretch" in this text wit.....

FFmpeg Tips and Tricks

Cut a video without re-encoding... ...at keyframes only (forsaking time accuracy), and without messing up timestamps: ffmpeg -noaccurate_seek -ss [START_TIME] -i [INPUT] -t [DURATION] -c copy -avoid_negative_ts make_zero [OUTPUT] As always with ffmpeg, the order of the options is relevant. Either -s.....

Setting up a ThinkPad x250 with Linux

Two chapters in this article are Debian-specific, the rest is more or less Archlinux-specific. It never grew into the device-specific alround tutorial I envisioned and has been partially superseded by this article. The ThinkPad itself is in daily use. No regrets there! BIOS Update The latest BIOS .....

Getting email off my web server with msmtp (and PHP)

Sometimes I want to get a message from my server, e.g. diagnostic stuff from services (SMART daemon, fail2ban), or if someone tries to contact me on my website, and I want it sent to one of my email addresses which is not maintained on that server. I used to use sSMTP for this, but it seems to stop .....