
7 posts are tagged "media"

FFmpeg Tips and Tricks

Cut a video without re-encoding... ...at keyframes only (forsaking time accuracy), and without messing up timestamps: ffmpeg -noaccurate_seek -ss [START_TIME] -i [INPUT] -t [DURATION] -c copy -avoid_negative_ts make_zero [OUTPUT] As always with ffmpeg, the order of the options is relevant. Either -s.....

Record system audio output with ALSA

This was written & tested on an Archlinux system, but I believe it applies to most Linux/ALSA systems. ALSA loopback device We assume a single run-of-the-mill Intel sound card, mapped as card 0. We will create a virtual loopback card 1. #> modprobe snd-aloop aplay -l The loopback device works.....

Video Streaming without a Browser

The advice is twofold but simple: The python script youtube-dl is able to extract and download video and audio from many, many different sites The media player mpv automatically looks for youtube-dl when passed an internet URL to extract the media and play it directly. Additionally one can use a G.....

Where is the VLC log?

The VLC media player sometimes errors out with the message "Check the log for details": But where is the log? What you need to do: Type <Ctrl>-M or click Top Menu => Tools => Messages Increase the verbosity to "1 (warnings)": (You could increase the verbosity even more, but that mi.....

Android: Internet Radio App: Transistor

I'm not the one to promote android apps usually, but here is a nice one that does exactly what I desire, and follows some sort of Unix philosophy. Internet Radio - audio streaming - works nicely on all my GNU/Linux computers: get a playlist or create a playlist from one or two streaming links save .....

Make a screencast with ffmpeg

Several applications to record your desktop exist, but ffmpeg can do it all by itself, via its x11grab format specifier. But there were some challenges: Performance What ffmpeg does when recording your screen is to transcode the X11 video into compressed output, based on file extension. But I wanted.....