
4 posts are tagged "music"

Short Review Diary ‑ Music and other Audio

What I listen to & want to share online. Nina Hagen in Ekstase Ich bin die Mutter des Punk - na Gott sei Dank! Cardiacs II Cardiacs I wrote about them before... never actually saw them, but have been listening to this album up and down for years. I wish I'd been woke enough back then to see them.....


A New York band, mostly a duo: Ann Magnuson telling us her dreams and weird stories, and weird guy Kramer plays instruments, collected audio snippets from his answer machine & TV, and analog-mixes it all together in a way that seems impossible without a computer. Often singing together. Although.....

Dead Can Dance

The following text developed as a reply to a forum post of someone who likes Dead Can Dance's "new" stuff a lot. Sounds like DCD are remaking their old stuff with even better sound recording quality. That's not a bad thing, but mind the roots. The style of this particular song reminds me of their .....

Eighties Mix

Your browser doesn’t support html5 audio.Please download the file: audio/ogg audio/mpegIf you don't see the audio player, enable javascript, or click here for ogg and here for mp3. My take on the eighties. 1979-1990. Some guitary post-punk/post-rock/independent, and some more of the synth sound us.....