
4 posts are tagged "film"

Short Review Diary ‑ Films, TV Series etc.

A timeline of what I watch (too much really) - mostly contributions to various forum threads Feb 23 2022 I found a solution to a problem I didn't know I had! The problem: I really like all sorts of conspiration myths for their entertainment value, but I just can't be arsed to actually seek out and w.....

There And Back Again

Three Hour Hobbit re-edit This is not news anymore, it has been moved from my old site. This article talks about two different projects, both editing all three Hobbit films into a single one. I cannot find the first version anymore; the blog is gone. It's possible that the movie's torrent is still .....


Baahubali (both parts) I have seen so many films, mostly Hollywood or American productions. One starts to tire of certain structures that seem to be repeating over and over, of getting force-fed the American (or in any case Western with a capital W) way of life (be it critically or appraisingly), an.....

Hypernormalisation (Documentary)

Hypernormalisation must be hands down the best documentary I ever saw. Two hours long, I watched it all in one go, I was so mesmerised.This is in fact part of what the author criticises: news and politics as entertainment, and it isn't even expected to have any connection to reality - that's hypern.....