
10 posts are tagged "archlinux"

Disable the Linux kernel watchdog

journalctl -b | grep watchdog; sudo dmesg | grep watchdog Both commands return something like NMI watchdog: Enabled. Permanently consumes one hw-PMU counter. I have no use for this watchdog on a desktop computer. This link already contains all the information required to disable it, but here's the m.....

Use dash as /bin/sh

This article only slightly expands on what the archwiki says about it. Linking /bin/sh to dash instead of bash is not the same as "changing your default shell". I want startup scripts and everything that has a #!/bin/sh shebang to use the lightest possible shell by default, but I still want my tru.....

Updating Archlinux Mirrorlist with Reflector

Reflector has an archwiki page, and you should consult it in any case. It is also mentioned in the Installation guide. By default, pacman does not update its own mirrorlist; however, there is the pacman-mirrorlist package which gets updated regularly. But it does not overwrite the actual mirrorlist .....

/sbin/init not found ‑ Bailing ‑ You're on your Own

I did some cleanup on my desktop machine today, uninstalling packages that weren't serving any purpose anymore. One of these packages was called systemd-sysvcompat. I should have taken a closer look, because when I rebooted I was greeted with a message very much like the title, and dropped to a busy.....

ArchLinux (Re‑)Installation

My current install is getting old (5+ years) and I thought it might be a good idea to start from scratch. Obviously I follow the Installation Guide as if my life depends on it; this document is for additional notes. These notes are for an MBR/BIOS install with full system encryption. Before you star.....

32‑bit Only Hardware ‑ Still Usable in 2019?

I understand your reluctance to throw that nice little netbook away. Actually I used to own a very similar model until recently, an Acer Aspire One ZG5, with one of those infamously underpowered intel Atom processors (and GPU). I bought it used (dirt cheap) in 2015 (it was new in 2010) and installed.....

Submit a Package to the Arch User Repository

My first AUR package! I assume you are somewhat familiar with makepkg, git and the process of creating packages under Arch Linux. Once your PKGBUILD is created, works as desired and the package builds, is installable and works, this is how you continue: Preparation, Initial Upload create the .SRCI.....

Pacman and Optional Dependencies

Archlinux packages list optional dependencies: "An array of packages that are not needed for the software to function, but provide additional features." But there's no special treatment built in for these packages, which can lead to problems (or at least needlessly left behind packages piling up). S.....