
All Articles (133)

Is Kali Linux Right For You?

I got tired of opening this link & having to enable javascript, (it's working without js again) only to copy out this bit: Is Kali Linux Right For You? As the distribution’s developers, you might expect us to recommend that everyone should be using Kali Linux. The fact of the matter is, howeve.....

Make all files in a directory accessible to a group

See this answer to a slightly different question: From what I understand, you want everyone in the users group to have write access to the data directory. That's accomplished by the following: setfacl -Rm g:users:rwX,d:g:users:rwX data/ I hope this will persist across user sessions & reboots? .....

Personas lock Firefox up for a full Minute or so

...whenever I open the about:addons page. But the fix is so simple: disable javascript for mozilla.net and mozilla.org. It's a bit hackish and might cause problems elsewhere. Maybe a more targeted approach is possible?.....

Make My Own Screensaver

git clone https://github.com/rougier/freetype-gl cd freetype-gl mkdir build cd build cmake .. But first, I had to install: cmake doxygen glfw-x11 (version 3.something) The demos in build/demos work now, and I started hacking on them. Ripped out the screenshot bits. To make them fullscreen: GLFWmonit.....

Cryptocurrency Mining?

Something I've been seeing a lot lately. I looked it up and I now understand a little about it. Mining seems to be related solely to Timestamping. Since this seems to be a CPU intensive thing to do, it is outsourced and hackers are paid for doing it for the company providing the currency. They're ge.....


The Pinebook is a cheap laptop powered by a 64bit ARM-based single board computer. It comes in 2 sizes, with an 11" screen and a 14" screen. I was intrigued by the price tag, a sort-of open architecture (at least physically: easy to open, troubleshoot, repair and hopefully expand) and growing Linux .....

Pinebook Hacks

In my previous article I described how to get going with a pinebook. Here are a few pinebook-specific hacks to follow up. Disclaimer: It seems I have settled on armbian's pinebook edition for good (but I will mention it if that changes), and if there's anything distro-specific in here, it's specific.....

Nginx and Trailing Slashes

This is a well-known problem for nginx users: an URL points to a directory, but misses the trailing slash, which results in nginx looking for a file, not a folder, and not finding it. But! It seems that this issue has been fixed long since: nginx does add trailing slashes automatically nowadays. So.....