
All Articles (133)

Finnish Metereological Institute Weather Forecast Conky

Global weather In English, Finnish or Swedish from the Finnish Metereological Institute You can put the forecast on your desktop via conky, where it is updated periodically, or bind it to a hotkey to see it in its own window. You can even use the script separately to produce plain text output to be.....

An Open Letter To LinuxQuestions

...or maybe to myself. Introduction Two things first: "This is a Linux Forum" - yes, it is. But wherever people come together to discuss whatever, the sociological, emotional and psychological aspects, and aspects of communication and language, are just as important as the (technical) topics. I ha.....


Baahubali (both parts) I have seen so many films, mostly Hollywood or American productions. One starts to tire of certain structures that seem to be repeating over and over, of getting force-fed the American (or in any case Western with a capital W) way of life (be it critically or appraisingly), an.....

Hypernormalisation (Documentary)

Hypernormalisation must be hands down the best documentary I ever saw. Two hours long, I watched it all in one go, I was so mesmerised.This is in fact part of what the author criticises: news and politics as entertainment, and it isn't even expected to have any connection to reality - that's hypern.....

Migrating Git Repos

I feel the need to migrate all my github stuff to somewhere else. Because Microsoft is buying Github. Gitlab does not seem to be that much different. In the end, I chose two providers: framagit.org and notabug.org - just to be on the safe side. The migration itself happened via web interface and isn.....

Half‑bricked Phone Fixed!

This is an older (kitkat) device which I wanted to factory-reset before selling it, but alas, it wouldn't boot anymore after that. This didn't surprise me because I'd made a lot of changes to it, on a system level. Actually, it did still boot, but got stuck loading the UI, hence half-bricked. This i.....

Search man pages with less: Unhighlight search results

The man command uses a pager, that is responsible for pagination, but also search and highlight. If your pager is less, you can search man pages with /search string. It will then highlight the search results, and they can be traversed with n/N. The highlighting helps to find the search string, but i.....