
All Articles (133)

A collection of Forum Posts I Don't Want to Sink into Oblivion

Sometimes I get a creative kick when writing a reply on some forum, and then I feel a little sorry to think that this "gem" will soon be forgotten and unfindable. So I decided to copy-paste some of these outbursts to a dedicated page. It's a little narcissistic. The typical Internet user The interne.....

Dist‑upgrade Debian from oldstable to stable

(before LTS support runs out) I have now dist-upgraded several times, always from (old)stable to stable. Originally written for a Jessie => Stretch upgrade, this text still applies for Buster => Bullseye and likely so on into the future. So just replace "jessie" and "stretch" in this text wit.....

You know you’ve been in Finland too long, when…

This text has been around the internet for a long while. I took the longest version I could find, removed a few outdated points and added one. A stranger on the street smiles at you - you think: they're slightly insane they're a foreigner You don’t think twice about putting the wet dishes away in.....

Short Review Diary ‑ Films, TV Series etc.

A timeline of what I watch (too much really) - mostly contributions to various forum threads Feb 23 2022 I found a solution to a problem I didn't know I had! The problem: I really like all sorts of conspiration myths for their entertainment value, but I just can't be arsed to actually seek out and w.....

FFmpeg Tips and Tricks

Cut a video without re-encoding... ...at keyframes only (forsaking time accuracy), and without messing up timestamps: ffmpeg -noaccurate_seek -ss [START_TIME] -i [INPUT] -t [DURATION] -c copy -avoid_negative_ts make_zero [OUTPUT] As always with ffmpeg, the order of the options is relevant. Either -s.....

Setting up a ThinkPad x250 with Linux

Two chapters in this article are Debian-specific, the rest is more or less Archlinux-specific. It never grew into the device-specific alround tutorial I envisioned and has been partially superseded by this article. The ThinkPad itself is in daily use. No regrets there! BIOS Update The latest BIOS .....

Installing a Commercial SSL Server Certificate (nginx)

Since CACert still isn't "Browser Trusted", and I still don't want to use letsencrypt, I decided to give this a try. The company resides inside the European Union and is the cheapest I could find. This was the process to get the certificate for anyone who's interested: Buy a certificate (the cheape.....