
The Muurola library in Lapland celebrates using GNU/Linux for 20 years

Muurola is close to Rovaniemi, the capital of the Finnish part of Lapland.
The library there will be celebrating their 20th Linux anniversary on Thursday, May 2nd at 6pm.

I just got this info from a friendly person living up there and am happy to pass it on:

I am wondering if you have any contacts for dyed-in-the-wool GNU/Linux people in Lapland who would be interested in meeting for an hour or so on Thursday, May 2nd at 6pm at the Muurola village library on the first day of an exhibit on GNU/Linux. I would very much like to invite them (and you) to the event. (...)

Up here in the north, the library in Muurola has been using desktop GNU/Linux on its public stations for 20 years now as of May. We are going to commemorate that next week. And back when projects were allowed, Muurola even used it in projects. For the occasion, I am putting together a humble exhibit there on the library's activities and desktop GNU/Linux.

The library is right across from the train station near the school and next to the dental clinic.

It is always nice to see GNU/Linux being used in public places, and 20 years is a great achievement.
Linux is everywhere!