
6 posts are tagged "sailfish os"

Updating SailfishOS

The phone will alert you that there's an update. Go to Settings => Sailfish OS Updates. As always, backup first. Then, download the update. I get a message that I need to "remove or revert the following packages". Time to look around for help, like the release notes for the version you're updatin.....

Sailfish OS ‑ Command Line Interface & Customisation

This article has a parent article. It contains some preliminaries to the topics here. Doing Things on the Command Line MTP (the same protocol Android devices use) will expose the /home/nemo folder to the connecting computer, both to graphical and command line applications. But it hides some files .....

Making sshd more secure on Sailfish OS

Assuming Remote connection is enabled in Settings -> Developer tools, and works. Recent versions of Sailfish OS (currently use a socket that listens on port 22, and start sshd (to be precise, a per-connection sshd@.service) whenever someone knocks. Pretty neat, probably saves some res.....

AdBlocking on Sailfish OS via /etc/hosts

There are some apps in Openrepos which do not seem to work anymore for SFOS 4.x. But you don't really need an app, all you need is a systemd timer & service and a simplistic shell script. Gain command line access to your phone and become root. > cd /etc/systemd/system > nano hosts.timer ho.....

Sailfish OS ‑ Applications

This article has a parent article. Stock Browser A.k.a "sailfish-browser". Its settings are not accessed from a pulldown but from the main app menu => Settings => Apps => Browser. There isn't much. Most notably: no (to me) acceptable search engine. But you can install the Search engines m.....

Getting started with Sailfish OS

Some Chapters have been split off to their own pages: Applications and CLI/Customisation. I was lucky to get a device that already comes with Sailfish OS 3 preinstalled. This is the most recent free version of Sailfish OS; I assume I will be able to upgrade it to Sailfish X (same version + Android.....