
11 posts are tagged "shell"

Search man pages with less: Unhighlight search results

The man command uses a pager, that is responsible for pagination, but also search and highlight. If your pager is less, you can search man pages with /search string. It will then highlight the search results, and they can be traversed with n/N. The highlighting helps to find the search string, but i.....

Arrange long Command Output in Columns

There's this one command whose output you need to look at again and again. It's a long list of short words and whizzes by too fast and using your terminal's scroll function is cumbersome. Of course there's more or less, but that is cumbersome, too! Searching the web for a solution only leeds to more.....

Convert man pages to HTML with the Ansi Html Adapter (aha)

I was having a hard time trying to find a man-to-html converter that does what I want: just properly translate what little formatting man uses. What I found (groff, troff, roffit, man2html) seemed to be either outdated (using inline- or even html-styling) or buggy or simply unable to preserve man's .....