
19 posts are tagged "server"

Setup NFS Share on Debian

I did practically everything described here. However, for automating the whole process with fstab on both client & server, this provided important extra information, esp. about bind-mounting existing filesystems into a dedicated NFS folder, and also about /etc/fstab entries. That's it really; it.....

Pico CMS TagBlog Theme

Symlink to README.md of the repository of the tagblog theme (as seen in this blog), with screenshots and instructions. Warning: can be ahead of the official repo.

Updating PicoCMS with Composer

How it works composer is installed locally on the server (Debian oldstable) via apt. All I had to do is navigate to the folder including the PicoCMS installation execute composer update $ composer update Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies (including requ.....

Sending email off my (non‑mail) server with sSMTP (and PHP)

Deprecated in favour of msmtp. This article is originally from 2016, but I edited it a few times. It seems I have to fix my sSMTP setup every now and then... Be aware that some settings depend not only on your system but also on your email provider. My server is not a mail server, and I never le.....

About HTTPS on this site

This site is also viewable encrypted through https. I finally decided to shell out some real money for this, so for the next two years there's no snag. See here. There's a snag though: Browsers do not (by default) "trust" the certificate authority I'm using. Why not? Because this "trust" must be.....

Upgrading a CAcert.org Server Certificate (nginx)

Please don't ask me to consider anything else; I choose CAcert even though it isn't "trusted". But what use is trust that can be bought with $$$? CAcert are certainly trustworthy in my opinion. If you think so too you might want to import their root certificate from this page. I also wrote an artic.....