
All Articles (133)

Change Application Window Icons Elegantly

The situation Sometimes you want to change the icon an application displays e.g. in the panel but cannot for some reason. Changing the icon theme does not help, and the application has no means of telling it to use another icon. Changing the icon referenced in the software's .desktop file (usually .....


A New York band, mostly a duo: Ann Magnuson telling us her dreams and weird stories, and weird guy Kramer plays instruments, collected audio snippets from his answer machine & TV, and analog-mixes it all together in a way that seems impossible without a computer. Often singing together. Although.....

Firefox: Migrating a Profile

I decided to use Firefox ESR (currently 78) instead of the faster moving Firefox release favoured by Archlinux (currently 81). Upon first starting Firefox ESR, it does not accept the default profile but creates a new one instead, and I cannot force it to use my old profile with all its bookmarks, ad.....

What happened to Eric Raymond & OSI?

Eric S. Raymond got kicked off a mailing list of an organisation he is the co-founder of, the Open Source Initiative OSI. As is often the case, I got wind of this through an article that does not document what really happened, citing as proof what are other articles commenting on the incident, follo.....

Setup NFS Share on Debian

I did practically everything described here. However, for automating the whole process with fstab on both client & server, this provided important extra information, esp. about bind-mounting existing filesystems into a dedicated NFS folder, and also about /etc/fstab entries. That's it really; it.....

Pico CMS TagBlog Theme

Symlink to README.md of the repository of the tagblog theme (as seen in this blog), with screenshots and instructions. Warning: can be ahead of the official repo.

Updating Archlinux Mirrorlist with Reflector

Reflector has an archwiki page, and you should consult it in any case. It is also mentioned in the Installation guide. By default, pacman does not update its own mirrorlist; however, there is the pacman-mirrorlist package which gets updated regularly. But it does not overwrite the actual mirrorlist .....

Updating PicoCMS with Composer

How it works composer is installed locally on the server (Debian oldstable) via apt. All I had to do is navigate to the folder including the PicoCMS installation execute composer update $ composer update Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies (including requ.....