
All Articles (133)

Openbox: change keybind action depending on active window

The situation under Xorg: I have an application with keybinds that cannot be changed, namely Signal for Linux desktop. One of these keybinds has been my probably most used keybind for a long time, namely Shift-Return to open an application launcher. Solution: Openbox allows me to execute different a.....

Creating Udev Rules

Scenario: Ignore a permanently connected backup drive Also see this related article. I have a WD USB drive - it's some cheapo variant, never get one of these! It's in an enclosure but can't be taken out and connected directly, like they used to, and suffers a lack of configurability as hdparm show.....

Firefox: user.js to tighten security

I finally manned up to tackle the ghacks (now arkenfox on github) user.js for Firefox. I felt that if I want to continue using Firefox I really have to do this, since it's making more and more unbidden connections. Thankfully it is possible to disable most. It's a lot of work to customise - you can'.....

Firefox: Where is the old, sortable about:config?

At some point Firefox developers "simplified" the Advanced Configuration Editor a.k.a. about:config - one cannot even sort by columns anymore! Which makes it extremely tedious to hunt down user modified settings. Fortunately, the previous, more useful editor is still available at chrome://global/co.....

Restoring Mimetype Associations

I deliberately deleted all mime*.* files I could find in ~/.local/share/applications /usr/share/applications ~/.config I might also have deleted /usr/share/mime/mime.cache. I definitely deleted the directory ~/.local/share/mime (it seemed to contain stuff only related to WINE). I was hoping to fix s.....

Change XTerm's Window Icon

Venerable and versatile XTerm. Carrying cruft from four decades. I am a big friend of lightweight terminal emulators - I want them to pop up immediately, without having to run a daemon. Despite all its baggage, xterm is extremely fast. Change the Window Icon (pixmap) The default icon is absolutely h.....

Sailfish OS ‑ Applications

This article has a parent article. Stock Browser A.k.a "sailfish-browser". Its settings are not accessed from a pulldown but from the main app menu => Settings => Apps => Browser. There isn't much. Most notably: no (to me) acceptable search engine. But you can install the Search engines m.....

OpenNIC DNS updater script

This script will fetch a current list of DNS servers from api.opennicproject.org, filter them by countries if desired, sort by percentage, and write the result to files readable by various resolvers.